Anniversary Post

18 March 2006 — the day My darling held my hand to cross the road. The first day we became “officially” in a relationship.
17 March 2012 — the day my KungFu gang and I raided Darling’s house and grabbed her as my wife, the day we walked and danced down the aisle of Grand Shanghai, along to the Tune of “cha-cham-bo”.

17-18 March 2014 — Today… I shall announce to the rest of my friends, I will be celebrating Father’s Day and Darling will be celebrating Mother’s day. Yup!!! We are going to be parents soon! Very Soon in actual fact. Haha. 9 June 2014.
I shall release the rest of my pregnancy-related posts today.

Darling wanted to keep it a secret, so I have to quietly write the posts and patiently wait for the chance to release all the juicy insider news to all our friends who read our blog! Tagged under “Cutie Baby”…go check them out!

A special mention goes out to my ex-colleague Poi Chin. She is actually the FIRST friend to find out the news! Hahaha, really amazing, just by looking at Darling’s face from a picture I posted on FB! Apparently she noticed a “pregnancy glow” in Darling. Sorry Chin, I have to bluff you that she is not pregnant then coz it’s supposed to be a secret. But I salute you Chin!!! May you have good luck in your quest for a Little one too!!! Don’t keep it from me too long ok!

We had to bring forward our gynae appointment with Dr Goh from next week to today due to some unforeseen circumstances…some spotting for the last few days, but no pain. Cutie Baby is still kicking hard and strong too! But we decided to just let Dr Goh have a look for reassurance.

Well we have another chance to see our Cutie Baby! Today is her 28 weeks and she weighs a healthy 1.45 Kg. The bleeding is likely from Darling straining too much at work (poor darling been walking around too much), Her placenta is low lying but should be moving higher soon by the next visit. So reassuring to hear that!

Cutie Baby is growing well. She really loves being “sayang-ed”. Everytime I rub rub Darling’s tummy, Darling will feel Cutie Baby “swimming” over to the side I am rubbing and huddle there. We can really feel a hard ball curled up on the side of Darling’s tummy being rubbed! This only started during 26-27 weeks I think. Haha, We are both very amused by our Cutie swimming to and fro inside Darling’s tummy. Nowadays when she kicks, we can literally see Darling’s tummy vibrate! What a strong kicker or boxer or header…whatever. Haha, CUTE!!!

Shopping for Cutie Baby has began since the last Expo fair in Feb and the Taka fair in March. We ordered a lot of bibs, jumpers, hairbands from Qoo10 as well. Exciting! Darling can’t wait to doll up Cutie baby! She is even starting to look out for Cutie baby’s 1 month celebration clothes!

Now we are looking to get a cheap and good baby carrier as well as a cheap and good Diaper Bag. I just ordered from Taobao, hopefully it will arrive in 1 piece.

I love you My Sexy Darling! You do not look fat at all! I think you are really Sexy with your pregnant curves!

Ok, I will be the pregnant wife in our next life, carrying our baby! We will take turns ok!

I love you my dear! Thank you for being there for me all these years. Let us look forward to many happy days to come, together with our Cutie. She will be coming out to this world in 83 days time!

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