Buildup to the big day.

It is going to be a series of backdated entries as I try to revisit the days leading up to our Grand Shanghai wedding =)

There is the traditional 过大礼 and 安床 that we have to complete before the big day and it does involve lots of shopping and buying!!
Our 过大礼 is on the 11 Feb 2012, from the auspicious date chosen by our Geomancy master “Orh Kee Tong” (Haha, the nickname we gave him…Shh..). I got Jeff (1 of my eventual brother-in-arms) to help out. Quite a number of stuff to bring over, including the oranges, candles, pig trotter cans etc.

So we made our way to Darling’s place after 9am (the auspicious time) and had the simple ceremony. The groom is supposed to hand over a set of gifts to the bride side and the bride is then to return a portion of the gifts as an exchange, of course not forgetting some Ang Paos here and there.
The Ceremony is completed fast and this is all the gifts we exchanged. Kinda ripped off by the shops as they kept telling us what to buy and exchange “by tradition” but nonetheless it’s an interesting piece of tradition we succeeded in preserving.

Now is the showcase of what we bought for our wedding cakes!
I got the traditional Teochew wedding biscuits…

Darling got the beautiful cupcakes from Cheryl!

Next up, we have to tie the red cloths in front of our doors!

Our 安床 is on the 15 March 2012, where we are supposed to put the bed nicely, decorate the house, put on new bedsheets, in preparation for our new life together!

Looks like we are all set for our Grand Shanghai wedding on the 17 March 2012!
For now a sneak preview… …

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Serene
    Oct 30, 2012 @ 01:08:33

    Hi, may I know where did you buy the Teochew wedding biscuits from? It looks really pretty!! :))


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